My deep appreciation for photography began when our oldest daughter was born over 7 years ago.   I watched with awe and amazement as she grew;  the subtle and unnoticeable shifts that somehow turned the baby who would sleep curled up on my chest into a toothy toddler eager to explore everything around her.  Since those days, I've taken thousands of images of my children, and sadly many of them have grown dusty in stored away digital folders on my computer.  With a renewed hope to better document my own family I have decided to embark on the simple challenge of sharing more of my personal images and the stories behind them here in this space. And so without much further explanation, here I will begin.

This past week Jon came down with the flu. Somehow the rest of the family managed to escape its grip, but our poor boy was laid up for a week with a low-grade fever and lots of time in bed. One of the small comforts he found was in taking warm bubble baths in the big bathtub while playing with his collection of tiny dinosaurs.